Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Atomic Timekeeping Podcast Episode 25 - iPad Edition

Following a long delay, I have produced a new episode. This time I'm talking about Apple's iPad. Like most computers, it doesn't keep time very well on its own. However, believe it or not, you can have atomic timekeeping on an iPad! You just have to know what apps to use. And that's what I want to tell you about.

(Click on any image for a larger version.)

First and foremost, if you have an iPhone, an iPod Touch or an iPad, you must get this free clock app from Emerald Time...

Apple's iTunes Store link to view and/or download this free app

Check out their web site for this explanation of their free Emerald Time App.


If you want to spend a mere 99 cents and get a really pretty Observatory App, also from Emerald Time, well, check this out...

Apple's iTunes Store link to view and/or download Emerald Observatory

Again, check out their official web site for more information about this app. (Please note that the Emerald Observatory is only available for the iPad.)

But wait! There's more. For another mere 99 cents you can enjoy the wonderful World Clock Pro HD. Check out these screen shots...

Here is the link to the Apple iTunes App Store listing of this beautiful app.

One of the great things about this app is that it will work with the iPhone, iPod Touch and the iPad. So reach deep into your piggy bank and let that 99 cents do something beautiful to your portable device.

And then there are some other, free apps to consider. For example, Here's the free version of a sunrise/sunset database. It can automatically detect where you are and then tell you the sunrise and sunset times for that location.

And here are the links to some other FREE apps that I mentioned in this episode...
But... enough with the blog text. Be sure to download Episode 25 of my podcast right here...

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